Friday 20 June 2008

Where is your garden?

Aerial shot from Google maps if you go to this link you can zoom in and find your garden.

1 comment:

  1. Good to see the Allotments on the web!
    Couldn't get down to the allotment this weekend, I was camping in Staffordshire moorlands. Yep it was cold!

    Was wondering what happens to all of the levies and rents, what with all of the crime that keeps happening, even our neighbours have had all of their veg stolen, is the association going to improve the security of the area?

    Its such a shame that the level of crime cannot be better controlled, as most of the useable allotments are now taken with enthusiastic gardeners, we are getting a good community spirit going, (this web site should support this as well).

    The prospect of losing your entire harvest after all the hard work it involves would be devastating, and defeat the main reason for having an allotment.

    Well done on setting up this site, lets hope for good weather and plentiful harvest next year!

