Growing up we were very lucky to have a property on Russell
Drive which backed onto the allotments. I spent many weekends and school
holidays on the allotments with my dad, sisters and great uncle Fred. I would
be given jobs to do to help with growing various fruit and vegetables. I
particularly enjoyed having bonfires and drinking tea from a flask (best cup of
tea ever).
I remember at times, like children do, that I felt I'd
rather be somewhere else but now I remember my time there fondly. I think it
gave a good sense of independence and on the allotments you felt far away from
suburban life. I moved to Manchester for university and work and now
rent an allotment with friends. I think my time spent on the allotments has set
me up well and I hope that enough allotments will remain there in the
future to allow others in Wollaton to get the opportunity to grow produce. It
is a real luxury and the hard work really pays off.
Thanks very much Andrew hope your current allotment is successful too.