Thursday, 28 May 2015

More memories from the allotments

Thanks very much to Andrew for his memories below, I too when I was a bit older could always think of other places I'd rather be but eventually in later life taking over my Dad's garden, I loved it.

Growing up we were very lucky to have a property on Russell Drive which backed onto the allotments. I spent many weekends and school holidays on the allotments with my dad, sisters and great uncle Fred. I would be given jobs to do to help with growing various fruit and vegetables. I particularly enjoyed having bonfires and drinking tea from a flask (best cup of tea ever).

I remember at times, like children do, that I felt I'd rather be somewhere else but now I remember my time there fondly. I think it gave a good sense of independence and on the allotments you felt far away from suburban life.  I moved to Manchester for university and work and now rent an allotment with friends. I think my time spent on the allotments has set me up well and I hope that enough allotments will remain there in the future to allow others in Wollaton to get the opportunity to grow produce. It is a real luxury and the hard work really pays off. 
Thanks very much Andrew hope your current allotment is successful too.

Sunday, 3 May 2015

Memories of the Gardens

I think this will be familiar to a lot of our shareholders and their children and even grandchildren.

Hi, My parents were shareholders from back in the 50’s and my Mum, Mary Atkinson was both secretary and then later I believe Chair, for many years up till her final illness and death in the 90’s.

As a child it was a paradise, you could play safely round the lanes with little or no traffic, go and explore Martin’s pond, catch sticklebacks in the stream, from where we used to fetch water in buckets and cultivate our own mini gardens within our parents. We also used to play with the other families, and I remember being taught to play the drums and shoot an air rifle – down the allotments. People used to keep chickens and even mink – horrible nasty things they were but we saw them all.

Thanks very much to Jenny for sharing this with us as we teeter on the brink of a new era. Hopefully future shareholders and renters and their children will see times like this again.

If you have memories you would like to share here or photos pleases email the blog

Latest re Development

After more than 30 years of trying it looks like the selling of a portion of our land for development is finally reaching a conclusion.
You may also be aware that a dispute between ourselves and the developer appears to be now resolved in that the retained land will be leased to the developers for the duration of the development then revert to Association control.
This is necessary to enable the redevelopment and partition of the land, therefore all our shareholders working the land and renters will have received a notice to quit from our solicitors Nelsons to vacate by 6th April 2016.

So the land sale is progressing and shareholders will be updated when more concrete information becomes available. Please keep your questions for the AGM. 

As usual though if you have questions re shareholdings etc. please contact the Secretary.

The AGM is scheduled for 27th June @ St Leonards 2:30-5pm formal notification will sent out shortly.