With the outcome of the planning appeal pending, potential for the Association to be born again is also pending. As part of the planning application a wholesale redevelopment of the remaining garden site is proposed. There will be removal of a large amount of overgrown hedges, buildings etc. and clearing of land to give numerous smaller maneageable plots, and a meeting hall with power and water on site. Also an area will be left as an addition to the existing Martins Pond nature reserve.
This will mean considerably more gardens available to the wider community with better security and amenities and at last overcoming the uncertainty of the the past thirty to forty years allowing a gardening future for the Association.
As an example of what can be done in redeveloping the remaining gardens CEG (our developing partners) have created a show garden.
If you are interested in or would like one of the new gardens email the secretary or allotment@beattiegroup.com
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